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Kids dental health tips
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Space maintainers for kids after Extractions
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How an OPG xray is done?
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Ugly duckling stage in kids
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Pit and fissure sealant application
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How much toothpaste should be used?
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How digital Impressions are made with Heron Intra oral scanner?
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Preventive Dentistry - Topical fluoride application
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Why caries in Milk teeth needs treatment?
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How do we start our day?
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Never ignore tooth problems in kids
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Correct method of Flossing
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Ask your dentist these 4 questions
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Treat early and protect your teeth
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Tooth brush tips
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Is Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting & Sterilizing all the same?
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Alarming signs of oral cancer
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Sugarcane and teeth health
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Dark Chocolates and teeth
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Bleeding gums - things to know
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Stiff jaw... Ear hurts! Head hurts!
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What is a Night Guard? How does it help #bruxism
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What happens when you brush too hard??
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Good health starts with a smile! 😄
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Come, have a look!
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Root canal treatment with endo crown preparation & placement.
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Dont keep these a secret! #nojudgementzone
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Simulating dental corrections with #invisalign #iteroscanner
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A complete set of teeth!! 😁#dentures
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Indirect Pulp Capping #dentistry
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Stay tuned for the results 🧐
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The results are out!
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Root Canal Treatment Set Up
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Amazing what technology can do... #invisalign
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Journey towards a healthy Madurai 😊
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Healthy mouth healthy heart?
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Fabricating Dentures by Injection Molding #madurai #dentist
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Wisdom tooth too close to a nerve? #whattodo
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Don't Floss!
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Too many coffee breaks? 🤔
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It's one of a kind, just like you! 😁🦷
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What could cause oral cancer? #cancerawareness
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Wishing you a sweet Diwali!?
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The battle of hardness: Bone vs. Tooth! 💪💎
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Did you know that the health of your mouth can impact the health of your heart?
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Are crowns required after a Root Canal?
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Good oral health but my tooth aches, help!
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Join in on the converstation! 🙉
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Cutting Edge Technology & Asepsis Protocol
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How long do we spend brushing our teeth?
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Precautions taken by dentists before treating cancer patients
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Role of a dentist in oral cancer screening?
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Say goodbye to bad breath!
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Embarking on my Invisalign journey!
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Your Invisalign Specialist!
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Celebrating the poetic brilliance and timeless spirit of Mahakavi Bharathiyar on his birthday! 🎉✨
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How long do we spend brushing our teeth?
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When the going gets cold...
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Feeling the Christmas vibes at Precise Dental Care! 🎄✨
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Join in on the converstation! 🙉
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Good oral health but my tooth aches, help!
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Are crowns required after a Root Canal?
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Chewing gum - good or bad?
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Dentures with a natural look: Crafting A Beautiful Smile!
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Mind the Gap!
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5 Signs of Gum Disease
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Smile brighter than a diamond !?💎✨
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How to save a tooth like this?
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Scaling away plaque and tartar!
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Can I visit a dentist when I'm pregnant?
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Embracing digital technology & modern dentistry!
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Nature's Protector in Dental Care!
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Creating healthy smiles, one little patient at a time!
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Ever tried charcoal toothpaste?
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No anxiety, just bright smiles ahead!
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Transforming Smiles: Before & After Ortho Braces Journey!
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Beyond beauty into true functionality... #aligners & #braces
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How is the scaling equipment kept clean?
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3 Essential Cues for Parents to tooth track!
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Smile Brighter with Every Crunch!
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Meet Our Gum Specialist! #worldhealthday
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One of the most challenging things...
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Orthodontic concerns: more than just aesthetics!
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Essential Dental Tip for Postpartum Wellness
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To cap or not to cap?
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How do I keep toothbrush safe while traveling?
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Do you have extra bone growths in your mouth? #tori
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Are Bony Growths in Your Mouth a Concern? Find Out!
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Does your sibling share your dental charm, or are they the 'tooth' opposite?
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Challenges may surface, but our smiles endure!
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Say Goodbye to Waste with This Toothpaste Squeezer!
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From giggles to grins 🦷😊
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Tick-tock, it's brush o'clock!
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Can't take a toothbrush to school... But you can do this!
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Should You Be Concerned If No Teeth Show Up for Your Newborn? #expertadvice
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More Care, Not Less! #milkteeth